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            by John Roy Bohlen


As I think, out across the miles,

          Away, beyond the sea,

I recall the laughter, and the smiles,

          And all, that you are, to me.


I remember our quick embrace,

          In the kitchen, or anyplace.

I can see me, holding hands with you,

          Your smile, coming from a heart, that’s true.


Each time, I get to be with you,

          Is better, each time, than ever!

Each time with you is refreshingly new.

          Our love, no thing, can sever.


Please pray for me, across the way,

          Out here, beyond the sea.

And, I pray for you, “God, speed the day

          When your arms, and your lips, find me.”


         Love, Hunzie...

Happy and glorious Valentine’s Day - 2001


Beloved Karen,


I love you!  I miss you.  I look forward to seeing you.  Tomorrow, it will be 3 weeks since I saw you last.   But my mental videos of you are clear in my mind, and, of course, I enjoy playing these videos in my mind - of you!


Do you have any videos of me?  Are they pleasant?  Mine of you are pleasant and wonderful, and exciting, and colorful and funny.  I am well in every way, and happy.


It is gloriously fun, traveling with Rufus, and Bassi and Provost.  We laugh and pray and minister and are strong friends.  God has been meeting our needs.


I love you!


This letter and poem was written for Karen on Valentine’s Day - 2001



Modulore Motel is quite a place!

          It is clean and quiet, plenty of space.

The staff is efficient, gracious and kind.

          Modulore is the spot where the nerves unwind.


The food is great, the beds are wide.

          If you want to rest, it is the place to abide.

The location is fine, the noise is nil.

          The traffic is down, things are gentle and still.


So, quiet your soul, there’s no need to hurry.

          Relax and enjoy, there’s no need to worry.

Modulore welcomes you!  It’s a lovely place to stay.

          We extend a bow of welcome, to you, night or day!


    Written by Chief Rev. Dr. John Roy Bohlen, U.S.A.

  To Chief and Lady Akinbobola, Owners of Modulore

                                 March - 2001

This couple has been kind to me.  In 2002, they paid for my breakfast, each day.  In 2003, they hosted me for free for 1 week, a gift to me, of  between $200 to $300!  Thank You, Lord God.