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Although there are many who preach prosperity, miracles and salvation, as is the case in the United States, less than one in ten thousand born again believers has any concept of the King’s Greatest Secret, Kingdom Glory, the Throne-Room Mentality, or the Gospel of the Kingdom.  It is these revelations that change people’s lives, bring them into an intimacy with God, and causes them to begin living a life-style of consistent victory and joy.  These are the truths that we go there to teach.  People are born into the Kingdom of God as we teach.  Marriages are restored and the quality of the marriages is greatly improved.  Last year we told you of a lady who, 5 years previously, had been present when we taught how to live life on our Heavenly Father’s lap, under His feathers, listening to His heart-beat.  The woman had wept at the revelation and she reported that she had been living in the strength of that truth for the 5 years that had passed. 

As many of you  know, shortly before our trip we were able, with the help of our many supporters and our beloved friends at Bethany Fellowship to print another printing of 10,000 copies of The King’s Greatest Secret blue booklet.  We brought as many of these with us as our over-sized suitcases would allow!  Praise the Lord!