TRUE AFRICAN ADVENTURE STORIES - Another way to fix African flat tire.

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Pounded Yam In My Tyre!  Another way to fix African flat tire.

Because of the fatalism in Nigeria, where people fail to keep their car in good repair, or drive safely because if Allah wants them dead, there is no need to drive safely.  The hi-way guard rails there look like a giant with a sledge hammer went along and smashed them all out of shape.  In the middle of the journey, we realized that we had a flat tyre, as they say.  But our spare tyre would not hold air, as the rim was rusted.  No problem, we found someone along the roadside out in the country who could put the tyre on the car for us, but, in order to make the tyre stick to the rim so it would hold air, they went to the out door kitchen a short distance away, and got some pounded yams, with a consistency like mashed potatoes.  They smeared the goop around the edge of the tyre rim, pumped air into the tyre, and sent us on our way.  We reached our destination safely, thank God.