TRUE AFRICAN ADVENTURE STORIES - Scream With Terror: The African Greyhound Bus Ride

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Scream With Terror:  The African Greyhound Bus Ride.

Did you hear that we became involved with armed robbers on the night bus across Nigeria?   There was a bridge out, between Benin and Aba, but the robbers had removed the sign diverting the traffic to the other lane, which drove a line of vehicles into a dead end.  We heard the shots that injured the first driver, ahead of  us, but we had an armed guard with an assault rifle with us, and I believe that broke off the attack.  We brought the wounded driver of the big truck ahead of us into our bus and were able to make our escape, leaving the large truck to the robbers as booty.  When the guns began firing, the entire bus, filled with people, went stark raving mad with panic and fear.  The passengers began screaming, and some of them began moving about the bus, trying to escape from the bus into the jungle, while others tried to crawl under their seats.  Yet, those of us who were Christians, and who were intimate with God, experienced total peace and calm.  The laid the  wounded man  at our feet and Joshua and I alternately laid hands upon his head, believing for a total recovery, in spite of the blood.  We thank the Lord for His continual protection and provision.  Amen.