TRUE AFRICAN ADVENTURE STORIES - Supernatural impartations of knowledge

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The Gift of Knowledge:  Supernatural impartations of knowledge

The gift of knowledge from the Lord is a lovely gift, along with the other 8 major listed "Gifts of the Holy Spirit".  The Word of Knowledge is simply the Supernatural impartation of knowledge, that cannot be known by any other means.  For example, on three occasions, in the 17 years we have been ministering in West Africa, there have been three occasions when God simply told me that a local host pastor was committing fornication or adultery.  There was no way of knowing this about the pastor, except by revelation, as there was no indication in the natural that would lend itself to this kind of suspicion.  On each occasion, the certainty was 100% clear, and, each time, the Lord gave wisdom as to what should be done, including the need for stern confrontation in each case, along with what should be done, in case there was no repentance.  In two of the cases, the pastors completely and thoroughly repented, never to repeat their sin.  In the other case, there was a surface repentance, with no follow up.  The man was afraid of what would happen if his wife found out, among other things.  I want to lovingly encourage you to seek this Gift of the Word of Knowledge, along with the other of the 9 listed Gifts of the Holy Spirit.  I encourage you to stay alert for God to Supernaturally show you things that you may really need to know, in your adventuresome walk with Him!  Amen.