TRUE AFRICAN ADVENTURE STORIES - Should God Kill Me?: To sin, or not to sin?

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Should God Kill Me?:  To sin, or not to sin?

At another minister's seminar, a traveling evangelist came to me, asking me to pray for him.  "Why do want me to pray for you?"  I asked.  He said, "My problem is that, as a traveling evangelist, I find myself committing adultery with the ladies in the church where I minister."  I said, "Tell me.  How easy do you find it to be able to commit adultery in the churches where you go?"  Without too much shame, the man said, "Oh, very easy!"   I said, "Please repeat this prayer after me, and I will agree in prayer with you, that God will surely answer your prayer."   Then I prayed, asking the young evangelist to repeat after me,  "Dear Heavenly Father,  I ask You, in Jesus Name, that before I ever commit adultery or fornication again, that You will strike me dead."  The man prayed that prayer.  I never saw him again.  But, I hope that God struck him dead, before he ever committed adultery or fornication again.