TRUE AFRICAN ADVENTURE STORIES - Church Of The Broken Glass: The Persecuted Church

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Church Of The Broken Glass:  The Persecuted Church

Every place in the World where Islam achieves control, bloody and violent persecution of Christians is the result.  The Muslims have bloody murdered over one million Christians in Sudan.  No place in the Koran or in Islam is salvation to Heaven promised, with one exception:  The Moslems teach that if someone murders a Christian or a Jew, that they will go to Heaven for sure, with the guarantee of an eternity of fornication and drunkenness.  This explains why there are so many people willing to suicide bomb and bloody murder Christians.  The farther north in Nigeria one goes, the more Muslims there are, and the more of this bloody business one can see.  Joshua and I have repeatedly ministered in Kaduna, in the northern part of Nigeria, in a church that I have called, "The Church of the Broken Glass"!  Kaduna, along with many of the northern towns of Nigeria, has been the scene of a monstrous multitude of bloody and horrible Moslem persecutions against Christian people, pastors, and churches.  One of my great good pastor friends, Pastor Northcott, was violently murdered and martyred by the Moslems, as was another church member to whom we ministered.  In recent history, a strange fire from God came and pursued and burned Moslems, their houses and their possessions, who were persecuting Christians.  Many Moslems think it is enjoyable to burn the houses and churches and families of Christians, until the Christians fight back.  Then it is not so much fun any more for the Moslems, when their things are burned.

Once, in Kaduna, there had been danger of attack on the church where we were ministering.  The government posted soldiers to guard us in the daytime, with automatic rifles.  We only had God to guard us at night.  After we were there, the church built a new church building.  The Moslems burned it down.  The church built again, believing that God would protect them.  Thus far, God has protected them.  May God continue to protect them, and to bring swift, severe, Supernatural judgement against further persecution from these Moslems.  Amen.