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'I Wept That Day':  A surprise encounter at the Lagos airport.

In the past, before Nigeria voted to the presidency, a Christian named Obasinjo, officials at the airport and over the country would hold hostage people's suitcases, automobiles and people themselves, until they could extort as much bribe money from them as they could.  So, one was often subjected to these indignancies.  One year, after some heavy weeks of ministry, Joshua and I approached the suitcase search counter where every person's luggage was being carefully searched.  The uniformed lady officer in charge demanded of Joshua, "What do you have in your luggage?"  Joshua smiled sweetly and said, simply, "Hello!"  The lady looked over at me, and said, to this effect, "Sir, I know you.  Five years ago, five hours from here, in a church on Sunday morning, you taught us how we could live within the circle of our Heavenly Father's arms, sitting on His lap, under His feathers, beneath His wings, listening to His heart-beat, His whispers of encouragement, far over and above every thing else, in the Throne-Room of the Father.  I wept that day at the revelation of how we can live a life-style of intimacy with Him, and I want you to know Sir, that I have lived in the strength of that revelation these five years hence."

Needless to say, she did not search our bags, but, instead, came out from behind the counter, and had sweet fellowship with us and our farewell party, while the other luggage checkers, ticket takers, and passengers looked on.