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Some years ago, we mentioned that a Moslem had come to one of the meetings and had accepted Christ as his Savior, and was entering ministry.  This year we found out that he had died from diabetes.  Diabetes is of epidemic proportions in all of the 3rd world countries, that have adopted the diet of white rice, white flour, white salt, white bread and white sugar from the white man.  They do not realize that sugar is a hideous poison, that white flour and white rice are totally worthless, and are harmful, because all of these things not only are harmful, and lack any positive nutritional value, but that they actually steal vitamins, minerals and other nutrients from the body.  They will consume vast quantities of white rice, or white bread, and only harm themselves in the process.  These elements turn in to sugar in the body and overload the pancreas, and other organs, to their hurt.  Diabetes is only one of the horrible results.  It is difficult to diagnose, until long after it has done damage, and is difficult to treat, after it has been diagnosed, because of poverty and medical scarcity.  Diabetes in that country is, for the most part, a death sentence.  We try to bring glucose test kits and strips to help them.