TRUE AFRICAN ADVENTURE STORIES - Kenney Rogers, Father Christmas, and Caleb

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Kenney Rogers, Father Christmas, and Caleb:  Misidentification.

I am a large man, and always grow a white beard while in Nigeria.  They respect the beard, the white one, the aged.  They even respect weight, thinking, "Anyone who can eat that good, must be doing something right."  Sometimes they call me "Father Christmas", their term for Santa Clause.  One man said to me with a smile, "Heyyyy!  Kenny Rooojahs!"  One year I cut off my beard before coming home.  They said to me, "Ahhh!  You look much bettah weedout de byahd."  "I do?"  I said.   "Eh hehhhh.", they responded, "Now, you look like yosef (yourself)!"  I said, "Ooh deed ah look like before ahh cutoff de byahd?"  "You looked like Moses!" Came the reply.  "How do you know?", I said.  Then I asked, "You say I look much bettah weedout de byahd, tell me honestly, do I look more dignified with or weedout de byahd?"   "Ahhh", came the reply, "You luke mo deegneefied, weet de byahd!"   Most everyone agrees, I look younger and better without the beard.  But I look more dignified weeee de byahd. (with the beard).  When I come home, the beard comes off, as, unfortunately, no one here, including my first wife (only wife), no one is convinced that I am the wiser with my beard.

Joshua was with me one time, when a church member exclaimed upon seeing me, "Aaay, you look like Moses!"  I pointed to Joshua, who had a little beard.  "Oooo does eee luke like?"  I expected them to say "Joshua", since his name is Joshua.  "Like Caleb!" was his reply.