TRUE AFRICAN ADVENTURE STORIES - The Scorpion: 5 star hotel.

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The Scorpion:  5 star hotel.

 I was staying at a nice hotel in Abeokuta, on the outskirts of the city.  In such a place, one takes a bath like the baths we took while growing up on the Iowa farm where we had no running water unless I ran and got it.  Get it?   In this hotel, as with most places in Nigeria, the way one takes a bath, is to take a bucket of water, usually cold, pour a little onto yourself, apply the soap, then, cup by cup, rinse the water from your body.  But before I stepped into the bathing place, I decided to take my torch (flashlight), and shine where I was intending to step.  There, nearly 10 inches from my foot, waited a scorpion, poised, and ready to strike!  I gently coaxed the scorpion into a bottle, and, later, after crushing him, (it might have been a 'she') I taped the scorpion to my notebook, to bring home and put on display.