TRUE AFRICAN ADVENTURE STORIES - Songs In The Night: Trekking in the dark

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Songs In The Night:  Trekking in the dark.

The electricity in Nigeria is very unreliable.  Only the more wealthy among them have electric generators, and even some of the hotels and public buildings do not run the generators they have, because of the expense of fuel.  The result is that there are times in the night, when I will sit on the edge of my bed in the darkness, with the perspiration drip, drip, dripping from my head and body onto the floor.  So, I take with me, large towels, or extra bedding so that I will not soil the mattress or pillows.  On this one occasion, about 730 p.m., the lights went out, and I was left alone in the hotel in the darkness.  While in Nigeria, 98 percent of the time, I am ministering every evening.  But, on this evening, I had no ministry assignment.  In the quietness of the night, I could hear Christian singing from off in the distance, and had a yearning to fellowship with people of my Christian kind.  I tried to rest in my room, but the music kept wafting my way.  Finally, I dressed to go out, took my flashlight, which they call a "torch", and, followed the sound of the music, coming to me, as it turned out, from a distance of about 4 blocks distant.  As I passed people in the night, they were unable to see my white skin, and, so, I did not cause undo attention.  Finally, after wending my way carefully down the streets and between the buildings, I came to a church where the people were worshipping, by candlelight.  I sat down in the back of the church, so as to not be an interruption, as my white skin would surely cause attention.  Presently, a representative came to introduce himself and to know my name.  Thus, I was introduced to the group of believers, and to the church pastors and leadership, and was asked to speak, which I did.  The people were greatly encouraged, and permanent friendships were established.  I was invited to return subsequently to minister to them in the light!