TRUE AFRICAN ADVENTURE STORIES - The Folded Bible: A story illustration

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The Folded Bible:  A story illustration

At another ministers' seminar, a young man asked me, "Sir, how is it possible, as you taught us, that Jesus can live in us, and that we can live in Jesus?  How is it that we can live in Father God, and that Father God can live in us?  That the Holy Spirit can live in us, and, at the same time, we can live in the Holy Spirit?"   I reached over and picked up a copy of a little 64 page book we wrote, The King's Greatest Secret!  I opened the book and said to him, "Let's pretend that the white paper in this little book represent your spirit, that the words in this book represent your soul, and that the blue cover represents your body".  Then I took my Bible with the leather cover and said, "Now, let's assume that the white paper pages in this Bible represent the Holy Spirit as God, that the Words represent Christ as God, and that the cover of the Bible represents God the Father."  Then, I took the smaller book, and, like shuffling a deck of cards, I interlaced the pages of the smaller book into the pages of the Bible.  As I was doing so, I spoke, "Our soul, our body, our spirit, interlaced and mixed with God the Spirit, God the Son, and God the Father!" until all of the pages of the smaller book were interwoven and swallowed up by the pages of the Bible.  Then I took the whole of the smaller book, and gently doubled it over and tucked it in, and made a bundle, gently wrapping the outer pages and the cover of the Bible into a large round rolled up bundle that I could hold in my big fist.  I held the thing aloft, high over my head, and said, "Me, in Christ, Christ in me.  The Holy Spirit in me, and me in the Holy Spirit.  The Heavenly Father in me, and me in the Heavenly Father!"  I said, triumphantly, "Bound in a bundle of the LORD thy God!"  I referred to the Scripture found in 1 Sam 25:29  "Yet a man is risen to pursue thee, and to seek thy soul: but the soul of my lord shall be bound in the bundle of life with the LORD thy God; and the souls of thine enemies, them shall he sling out, as out of the middle of a sling."   Can you picture it?  Don't you love it!!!