TRUE AFRICAN ADVENTURE STORIES - Reasons That Circumcision Continues:

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Reasons That Circumcision Continues:

Sometimes culture and customs are hard to change.  Finances are a factor in the continuation of this devilish custom, as there are witch doctors or old women or whoever, that make, in some cases, a great deal of money for conducting the circumcision.  It is frequently done in unsanitary conditions, resulting in bleeding to death, or death by shock, tetanus, aids, or other infection. At times crude operating instruments are used, such as broken glass, rusty previously used razor blades, etc. Sometimes the scarring leaves the area without elasticity or resilience, resulting in horrible tearing, even into the anus, which results in further scarring, and sometimes, death.

Female circumcision is increasing in the United States.  Certain religions may contribute to this custom even though it is not mentioned in the Bible, in the Koran, or in any of the so called “sacred” writings.  There was one pastor who came to this country from Nigeria.  He knew of at least one woman who was able to experience a climax in spite of her circumcision.  He counseled some American women who were married to African men.  Although these women were uncircumcised, they had not been able to experience an orgasm.  This Nigerian pastor mistakenly assumed that circumcision would enable these white women to become orgasmic.  So he reasoned and recommended that these white American women should be circumcised.  He was ignorant of the fact that the more of the female penis (the clitoris), is cut off, the more nerve endings are destroyed, and the less chance there is for the woman to experience sexual pleasure, enjoyment and a climax, peak or orgasm. 

Reasons to not circumcise a woman

One of the most common reasons given for FGM is the mistaken deception and lie that it will reduce the probability of fornication and adultery and promiscuity in the female. The following are some of the reasons given for not circumcising a female:

1.  It is not called for, or even remotely implied or suggested in the Bible, the Koran, or any other “holy book”.

2.  Matt 15:19  “For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, slanders.” (NAS)   Fornication and adultery are a matter of the heart.  If one wants to reduce these, the heart should be circumcised, or cut out, NOT the woman’s genitals.

3.  The woman’s clitoris does NOT cause sexual desire in the female.  It is the ovaries that produce hormones that control the libido, that is, the sexual appetite.  If one wants to decrease sexual desire in the man, the testicles should be removed, in the woman, the ovaries. 

4.  Cutting off the woman’s clitoris is THE SAME as if a man’s penis were cut off.  One may remove the penis, but if the testicles are left, sexual desire will continue.  Likewise, one may remove the clitoris, etc., but if the ovaries are left, sexual desire will continue unabated in the woman.  Cutting off the man’s penis does not remove sexual desire, if the gonads or testicles are left.  The itch is still there, in both cases, but the means by which to scratch the itch, and obtain relief is minimized.

5.  There are indications that FGM, or female circumcision may actually INCREASE promiscuity, fornication and adultery in a woman, in that, since she is unable or handicapped in her ability to experience an orgasm &/or pleasure, she may attribute her inability to a partner’s inexperience or lack of skill, and she may pursue pleasure elsewhere.  This may result in an increase in promiscuity.

6. Eph 5:28 says,  “So husbands ought also to love their own wives as their own bodies. He who loves his own wife loves himself;” and, Verse 33  “Nevertheless let each individual among you also love his own wife even as himself.”  (NAS)  If a man loves his wife as his own body, and as much as he loves himself, he will desire that she experience pleasure just as intensely and as often as he, himself.  A man who is not interested or concerned that his wife have as much pleasure as himself, is IGNORANT, INCONSIDERATE, STUPID, OR CRUEL.  A father or mother who does not want their daughter to experience sexual pleasure in marriage is likewise ignorant, inconsiderate, crude and cruel.  Circumcising the female is the SAME as if a parent, worried that their little boy will be promiscuous later on in life, stupidly cut off the head of the little boy’s penis.  If they are really concerned, they will stupidly cut off most of the penis.  If they are really, really concerned, they stupidly cut off the whole penis!!!  If they really want to be cruel, they will leave the testicles to remain to continue to create sexual desire, but take away the means by which the desire can be fulfilled.  This is the EXACT male counterpart to female genital mutilation circumcision, when the outward genitals are removed, yet the ovaries remain to continue producing sexual desire in the woman.

Remedies and Solutions, A Reason for Hope:

1.  Any person responsible for the mutilation of any female, can repent, invite Jesus Christ to come within as Lord and Savior, and can give one’s life completely to Him as God.  1 John 1:9 offers complete forgiveness as a gift from Jesus.  MAY THE CURSE OF GOD COME UPON ANY ONE WHO KNOWINGLY CONTRIBUTES TO OR PARTICIPATES IN OR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR the mutilation/circumcision of any female!!!

2.  It has been documented that there are women who have trained themselves to become orgasmic, who have been paralyzed from the waist down, and who have no feeling in their genitals.  Other women have reported having experienced orgasm or climax through breast stimulation alone.  Still others report being able to attain an orgasm, simply from giving pleasure to their husbands, as in other forms of sex play.  Thus, we believe that with patience and practice, that it STILL may be possible for a woman to attain to a climax or orgasm, even though she has been severely mutilated, although, admittedly, the challenge will be greater, because many of the nerve endings have been destroyed, just THE SAME AS IF portions of the man’s penis were cut off.

3.  We believe in a miracle working God, through Jesus Christ, a God Who does creative miracles.  Papa Yahweh Father God, has the ability to restore body parts, and we are believing that the Day is already here when the mutilation done can be supernaturally reversed, and nerve endings be restored.  Amen.

4.  At the same time, we are believing that the Lord God will take a direct part in preventing more circumcisions, even to the point of supernaturally judging those who are responsible.

5.  Let’s keep things in perspective:  Upon reading this, you may believe that the people involved in, or responsible for, female genital mutilation and the circumcision of women are really barbaric, heathen-like, sinful and stupid.  They are. The thought of this may really be throwing some of you into a rage or may make you weep for these women who have been mutilated.  If so, you are to be sincerely congratulated.  But which is worse?  To circumcise a woman?  Or, to dismember her, piece by piece in the womb of her mother?   We put serial killers in prison, and wish them the worst, but if a baby murdering abortionist murders the baby girl, “It’s a baby girl!!!” while it is still in the mother, then we pay him a big salary and call him “Respected Doctor”.  Let’s not be too smugly critical of a “third world” society that circumcises it’s females, when the “first world” United States, and other “enlightened” countries, blesses the brutal dismembering of it’s dozens of millions of unborn  baby girls.  To be “pro-choice” is to be “pro-baby murder.”  The judgement of God is also upon those who commit, countenance or conduct an abortion.

6.  You can make a difference in praying, in giving, and in telling others about this problem, and in sharing this information with others.  For example, we make frequent trips to Africa, and teach these things convincingly to others.  If you desire to be a part of the solution, you may send tax deductible contributions to: 

          Great Commission Ministries, a part of  The Kingdom of God,

                   9473 County Road D, Webster, WI  54893

These funds will be used to travel to parts of the world where female circumcision/mutilation is practiced, to teach them a better way.  These funds will also be used to print and distribute literature to these same people and places.  Will you help us?  If even one female is saved from this damnable mutilation, what money value can be placed on such a rescue?!

References, Recourses and Reading Recommendations:

Reader’s Digest, June 1999  pp.186-224 from the book

Desert Flower by Waris Dirie & Cathleen Miller

Escaping The Twilight, Sigrid Weidenweber, Arnica Publishing, Portland, OR   web site

Request Information package on:

FGM  (Female Genital Mutilation)

World Health Organization

Department of Women’s Health (RD)

Health Systems and Community Health

Avenue Appia 20  CH-1211

Geneva  27,  Switzerland

See also the FGMNETWORK on the Web. (Google search)