God's Favorite but Forgotten Holiday - FULFILLMENT OF TABERNACLES FOR THE CHURCH


When is the End going to come?

Tell me if you can, when is the End going to come???  I ask this question, here, and in other countries, of pastors and Christian leaders.

One common answer is: “Any time from now.”  Some times they answer, “No one knows.”  Then I show them Matthew 24:14, and Mark 13:10, “This Gospel (of the Kingdom) must first be preached in ALL the World for a witness to ALL THE NATIONS, and THEN the End shall come.”!!!  Of the six to seven BILLION people on the Earth, less than 10 % have been born again!!!  Less than ten percent have ever heard the Gospel of the Kingdom.  This statistic of ten percent has remained the same for more than 100 years!!!  Yet with the population explosion, over 5 BILLION people have not yet heard the Gospel of the Kingdom!!!  With all of the scientific advancements in communication ability and travel, including such giants as CBN and TBN, and SKY ANGEL networks, this enormous task has not been accomplished, nor will it, unless there is a major miracle revival out-pouring upon the Church of Jesus Christ at large!!  In spite of the invention and development of good roads, airplanes, space travel, language study, computers, short wave, other radio, television, the internet, email, etc., the statistic of more than 90 % of the world’s population is still unevangelized.  Less than 10% of the world’s population is born-again, and the Gospel of the Kingdom has NOT been preached!!!  There are over 1 billion Chinese, 1 billion Indians, one and a half billion Muslims!  Most of Europe is ignorant of the Gospel.  Yes, progress is being made, isolated revivals have taken place, miracles have been wrought, but something major is lacking!  I believe that there is a real key related to the Feast of Tabernacles, and its fulfillment!

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