God's Favorite but Forgotten Holiday - THE COMFORTER HAS COME!


One time, Karen and I were traveling on a ministry trip together in our van.  As we traveled through the night, we both became too tired to continue on our journey, so we decided to sleep in the back of the van.  The only problem was that it was about 17 degrees below zero.  In other words, it was very very cold outside!  But we had with us a huge down king size comforter, filled with feathers.  We snuggled together under this large feather comforter, and slept comfortably.  The only problem was that Karen kept waking up to check to see if she was cold!  But she was warm and comfortable.  And God wants us to be comfortable under His wings, under His feathers, all the time, all the time, all the time.  Here’s a poem I wrote:


My wife gave a gift that was meant to uplift,

          To herself and each of the offspring,

A large fluffy blanket for weather

          Fully filled with many a fine feather,

Gently gathered from under bird's wing,

          I’m so cozy, I laugh and I sing!

                   I don’t worry about anything.

Can you imagine the feeling, peeking up at the ceiling,

          Cold outside, but in bed, covered nose to toes?

                   Snuggled down ‘neath the down of a goose that God chose.

Ps 91:4  “He shall cover thee with His feathers, and under His wings shalt thou trust: His truth shall be thy shield and buckler.”

Some times I will take with me, to the teaching, one of these king-size comforters, "The Comforter has come", as the song says about the Holy Spirit, our heavenly Comforter".  But, sometimes, in our demonstration, we will find one child after another who is afraid, or who is otherwise unwilling to co-operate with us in our little play demonstration.  We continue until we find one who is willing.  So, Jesus said, "How often I would have gathered your children, as a mother hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing."  Mt.23:37 & Lk.13:34

I have the audience point at stage center and proclaim, “This is where I live.”  (Repeat, after me.) “This is my address.”  “This is my new home.”  “This is where I stay” - “never to leave, never to roam.”

             YOUR HEART - OUR HOME!

                           by John Roy Bohlen - February. 1998

I love You Papa Yahweh, with all my heart.

          With all my soul, with every part.

My heart pours out strong love for Thee

          My thanks pours out, eternally.

Your flow of grace enables me,

          To follow strongly after Thee.

                   To yearn for Thee quite earnestly.

I'm basking in Your Presence now,

          This sweet tranquility makes me bow.

We live far over everything,

          We reign serene here with our King.

This is our home, we need not leave,

          But ever close, to Thee we cleave.

Not, "Help us live", but, "Be our Life!"

          Oh, live through us, there is no strife.

Speak through our lips, bless through our hands.

          Walk through our feet, through many lands.

Upon Your lap we take our seat.

We're listening to Your heart beat,

Never to leave here, never to roam

          Snuggling close, Your arms are our home.

Beneath Your wings I take my place,

          Beneath Your feathers, I find grace.

Within Your Shadow, You Most High,

          We never need to say "Good bye."


     johnroybohlen and John 5:30

Back to the Throne-Room,

          Never to leave.

To the folds of God’s robe,

          Always to cleave.

Our Father’s heart beat,

          Intimacy listens.

Oh, it is so sweet,

          His Glory glistens!

Like a babe reaching up,

          Play with God’s whiskers

With Daddy we’ll sup.

Hearing God’s whispers.

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