God's Favorite but Forgotten Holiday - THE FEAST OF GLORY - TABERNACLES


Do you enjoy it when someone has a party for you?  Do you like it when someone wants to celebrate your birthday, your anniversary?  Well, God enjoys it, too!  In fact, God likes parties, celebrating Him, so very much, that He told us to set aside one special time each year, for 8 days, just to enjoy Him and His Presence.  That's "Presence", not, "presen-t-s".

Even in the New Testament, Jesus Yah'shua seemed to like parties.  The first miracle was done just to liven up a party.  The story of the Prodigal Son ends with a party.  The parable of the Kingdom of God about the lady who lost some money, then found it, she was so  happy that she threw a big party to celebrate.  (I have often wondered if the party cost more money than the money she lost and found.)

In the Bible, God tells us of a very special party in His honour, that will be celebrated all over the world, every year, for eight days, forever!!!    Then, God will say, in the future, that if anybody refuses to celebrate His party, they will be cursed!  It is as though they need to show up at the party, just to pick up their permission ticket/coupons to have rain for each following year!  This party has a special name - it's called:  "The Feast of Tabernacles", or, "The Feast of  Glory".  The only thing we are to observe or celebrate at this party - is Him!!!  His glory, His presence - Him, He, Himself - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit!!!  (Zechariah 14).

Nearly every year, since 1964, we have celebrated this special party, this Feast of Glory.  We send out invitations, even now, this year, you are welcome to come and celebrate with us the Feast of God's Glory, here, at our home and ministry center, out in the country, in Wisconsin.  Or, if that is inconvenient for you, or you do not want to accept our invitation, you may have your own party for God, for eight days, every year.  We encourage you to take time off from work or from your busy schedule, and just enjoy God for a week!!!!!!!  For more information, you may call us at 715-866-4060.  Rick Joyner also celebrates this Feast, in North Carolina, as has Pat Robertson, and certain others of whom we know.  Each year this special party, this Feast of Tabernacles is a major, major celebration in Jerusalem, with Christians and Jews together from all over the World, celebrating with great pageantry, banners, dancing, singing, worshipping, and joy!

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