Female Genital Mutilation - Reasons That Circumcision Continues:

Reasons That Circumcision Continues:

Sometimes culture and customs are hard to change. Finances are a factor in the continuation of this devilish custom, as there are witch doctors or old women or whoever, that make, in some cases, a great deal of money for conducting the circumcision. It is frequently done in unsanitary conditions, resulting in bleeding to death, or death by shock, tetanus, aids, or other infection. At times crude operating instruments are used, such as broken glass, rusty previously used razor blades, etc. Sometimes the scarring leaves the area without elasticity or resilience, resulting in horrible tearing, even into the anus, which results in further scarring, and sometimes, death.

Because of this ignorance, and the power of custom, culture and taboo, a female may not become accepted in her community, unless she has been mutilated.

Female circumcision is increasing in the United States. Certain religions may contribute to this custom even though it is not mentioned in the Bible, in the Koran, or in any of the so called "sacred" writings. We make this point again: There the pastor who came to this country from Nigeria. He knew of at least one woman who was able to experience a climax in spite of her circumcision. He counseled some American women who were married to African men. Although these women were uncircumcised, they had not been able to experience an orgasm. This Nigerian pastor mistakenly assumed that circumcision would enable these white women to become orgasmic. So he reasoned and recommended that these white American women should be circumcised. He was ignorant of the fact that the more of the female 'penis' (the clitoris), is cut off, the more nerve endings are destroyed, and the less chance there is for the woman to experience sexual pleasure, enjoyment and a climax, peak or orgasm.