Know Right By Noting Wrong

There are actually those in the body of Christ that teach the following:

1. They think THAT "You are 'poz to do what the elders, or the Pope, or the pastor, or the husband, or the parent, or the government, say for you to do, without question." Sound like Jim Jones? The truth is, that no one has the right to cross another person's conscience, or demand that another be submissive to something for which they do not have faith. (Rom. 14).

2. They think THAT "you are absolved from responsibility for your actions when you are acting in submission to authority!" Sound like Hitler? Acts 4:19 and other Scriptures indicate that we shall give an awesome responsibility at the judgement seat of Christ for what we do or say!

3. They think THAT "passive, killed spirit, plough horse submission is the ideal". Sound "macho"? No, God wants us to be effervescent and buoyant and creative and aggressive and dynamic in our submission!

4. They think THAT "if you get a 'leading' contrary to the 'leading' of the authority, that you "jes' pos' keep yo mouf shet n' gwine do it" Sound prejudiced? With a right spirit, the subordinate has not only the privilege, but also the responsibility to voice what that one believes to be the will of God.

ALSO, the leadership has the awesome responsibility to harken carefully to counsel coming through subordinate channels lest they fail to hear the voice of the Lord speaking through the one in the place of lesser authority. Bible says, "A little child shall lead them." Isa.ll:6.

5. They think THAT "the person in authority is superior to the one in the subordinate position". (For example, that the wife is inferior to the husband.) Sound chauvinistic? The story of Nabal, David & Abigail in the Old Testament is really beautiful here. There is no question as to who had the superior wisdom, actions, decisions, beauty, and worth in the eyes of God and man. (1 Samuel 25.)

6. They think THAT "50 million bishops, (or Frenchmen, or cemetary graduates or Baptists, or charismatics, or rupturists, or infernal securitists, or anti-charismatics, or whatever), can't be wrong". The true fact of the matter is that almost without exception, the majority is wrong the majority of the time!! That is, majority opinion mostly, is or has been wrong the majority of the time. I have actually seen some ideal church situations, where they had apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, teachers, elders, deacons, deaconesses, intercessors, givers, administrators, miracle workers and helps, where the individual seeking counsel would have been right a greater percentage of the time by flipping a coin, as a means of determining the right course of action, than to commit his entire destiny into the hands of these austere ministries and blindly following them. It is amazing to me how many people can "get the word of the Lord" for others, that don't know, or do, the will of God for themselves!

Please understand, we BELIEVE that a church should have apostles, prophets, elders, pastor and deacons, etc. But we also believe that everyone should be led by God, and NOT by some-one-important-else contrary to the will of God!!!

But in order to do right and to be right, we must be dedicated to live uncompromisingly under the Lordship of Jesus Christ and the Leadership of the Holy Spirit, no matter who or what or how many dear ones say or try to influence to the contrary. Believe it or not, there is sometimes danger in numbers. And as we say in another place, if a person has a sell-out price, satan is sure to come up with the silver. The worst prostitution of all is that religious prostitution that compromises the will of God in order to obtain, gain, or maintain favor in the eyes of men.

The Bible says that "In the multitude of counsellors there is safety." Proverbs 11:14. But it also gives a multitude of concrete examples where the majority of and the most notable authority of counsellors was wrong. The right course is one that stands totally committed to the perfect will of God without compromise, drawing on those within the Body of Christ for CONFIRMATION. If someone comes to me and asks me what the will of God is in their situation, I almost always ask them what THEY believe the will of God is for their situation. If they have not first prayed through to a place of inner knowing for themselves, I refuse to protract their spiritual infancy, or to cultivate an over-dependence on me. Instead, I send them back to the Lord Jesus for Him to tell them what to do. Only then am I available for confirmation. The Bible does NOT say, "Work out somebody else's salvation with fear and trembling"!

7. Other religious leaders think THAT "the Bible closes with an awesome thud after the solemn and religious reading of, 'REBUKE NOT AN ELDER"'!!

The sad joke is that people do not realize that the verse does not end there, but continues on without pause and says, "BUT GO TO HIM and PLEAD WITH HIM AS A SON TO A FATHER"!!! I Tim.5:1. The Body Of Christ would be much more healthy if people would go to their pastor with their input, lists, criticisms and suggestions, instead of cannibalistically having roast preacher for dinner or voting him out at the next "bored" meeting, or on the other hand, of glibly, blindly, automatically swallowing and following, just because someone says or does so.



The following are all Scriptural examples of Godly "rebellion" that had the favor and approval of God, (or of 'submission' that did not)! Please note the difference between being subordinate and being submissive. For example, Moses was subordinate to God, but in this case was not submissive, though he was the "meekest man on the face of the earth."


1. Exodus 32. The people "mess up". God says, "Stand aside Moses. I'm going to kill all these people, and make of you a mighty nation." Moses said, "Lord NO, I WON'T go. You're NOT going to kill all of these people. You're NOT going to make a nation out of me. I'm NOT going to stand aside. And if You do kill them, You can kill me right along with them." And then, believe it or not, (look it up if you want to), the Bible says, "And the Lord repented of the evil which He thought to do unto His. people." !!!

Lord,I wish there were more ministries that would do the same! I believe it to be, in Jesus Christ's Name! 'Cause I don't want us to stand in shame. I don't want us to be to blame. For these reasons the Spirit's flame Has illumined the Word that came.

This happened again in Numbers 14:12. But the sad fact is, that there was no one stood "in the gap" for Moses when he "messed up", although he did finally get to go into the Promised Land!!! (Matthew 17). I dare YOU to argue with God like that!

2. Jacob fighting with Jesus Christ! (Genesis 32). The Lord said, "Let Me go!" Jacob said, "Lord, no!, except You do what I say!" To which the Lord replied, "O.K., have it your way. You win!" I dare YOU to argue (and wrestle) with God like that.

3. Ruth being 'unsubmissive' to Naomi. Ruth chapter 1. Four times, Naomi told Ruth to turn back. Ruth refused, and was rewarded. She became the grandmother of King David, and the ancestor of Jesus.

4.Joseph refused to 'submit' to his employer. (Genesis 39.)

5. Abigail went contrary to her husband's wishes and was rewarded. In fact, God killed him and gave her a new husband who would do the will of God! (I Samuel 25). No divorce necessary here!

6. David had to 'fight' his older brothers for the privilege of doing the will of God! (1 Samuel 17). He exercised initiative totally alone and on his own, except for the help of God. Only after he was successful in his venture, then finally every one else decided to get on the band wagon. Talk about a moral minority!

7. Jonathan, acting contrary to his father's wishes, only with the help of a single friend and the help of God acted entirely alone and was totally responsible in God for the winning of the war, only to be sentenced to death for his accomplishments!!! I Samuel 13). Where are the Jonathans and the Armor bearers today? Where are today's giant killers who will fly in the face of immoral majority? Who will dare to do mighty exploits in the Name of a Mighty God and bring mighty glory to Him?!!. It is obvious from these and a host of other illustrations that sometimes it is necessary for us to fight for the privilege of doing the will of God, and that sometimes we must fight, or at least go against the wishes of, those closest to us.

8. Elisha repeatedly refused to submit to his master's demands and was rewarded with a double portion because of it! (II Kings 2:2,4,6).

9. The young miracle-working prophet became submissive to the old prophet. As a result, God killed him dead. (Read it, it says, and I quote: "GOD KILLED - HIM - DEAD!" v.26) (Aren't you glad that Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today and forever!) Suppose the "ministries" want you to be submissive to Plan A, but you believe that God wants you to be submissive to Plan B. Believe it or not, there are those in the body of Christ who teach that you should be submissive to Plan A, and that God will bless you for going contrary to your leading, your conviction and your conscience!!! If you are ever in this situation, please be reminded to read, and heed again the story of the Old Prophet VS. the Young Prophet in 1 Kings (unlucky) 13! For those of you who are wondering if I am advocating irresponsible anarchy or a spastic independence, please stay with me, because I am advocating the Theocracy of God, The Lordship of Jesus Christ, and the Leadership of the Holy Spirit. I promise to explain how this works out on a practical level. I know that we gave this example before, but it is interesting to note that even in situations where a person decides for himself the will of God, even by guessing or flipping a coin, (we are not recommending this), one often hits the will of God more often than in many situations where there is benefit of oppressive religious leadership that has protracted infancy and stymied growth by creating an unhealthy dependency on "headship". People in that place most often lose their initiative to press in to know the Voice of the Lord and the Mature Leading of God for their own lives, because the "leadership" has become their "lord", instead of the Lord Jesus Christ!

10. Balaam's ass. Numbers 22 tells the story of the prophet whose donkey refuses to go where his master wants because the donkey sees grave danger for his master that the prophet does not see! Let all of those who are in leadership, or who will be, to have godly fear and godly trembling, lest you also fail hear the Lord speaking to you through what you consider to be a jack-ass or a bohlen-ball! And to those of you who are considered to be as donkeys in the house of God, or have come to think this of yourself, be encouraged! If God could speak through a donkey, then He can speak through you!! It's your privilege. It's your responsibility!!! In fact, we encourage you to, with a right spirit, practice on your spiritual leaders and your spiritual headship. They need the practice too, of listening with a right spirit to Christ speak to them through subordinate channels! The Bible says that "a little child shall lead them", and sometimes a jackass will too! God grant that they and we will all have ears to hear what the Spirit has to say to us, through WHOMEVER He chooses! Do I hear an "Amen" from the leaders?

11. The little maid, in II Kings chapter 5, was only a little maid. (Makes sense, doesn't it?) What would have happened if the big-important-great-mighty-honorable-captain-man had not listened to the counsel of this lowly maid??? The same thing would have happened as has in fact happened to many ministries and churches that have refused to listen to the lowly little maids through whom the Lord Jesus Christ speaks: the spiritual leprosy has continued. (Doesn't make sense does it?)

12. Daniel refused to submit to the governmental leadership though it meant the lion's den. (Daniel 6) The plotters were killed by their own plot, by their own lions, in their own den They were measured and "meated" by their own measure!!! And, the Gospel was taken to the whole world!!!

13. The three refused to submit to the king's edict though it meant being thrown into the furnace of fire! (Daniel 3). Talk about a meeting with the Lord! The people who threw them in got burned instead and the Gospel was taken to the whole world!

14. Acts 21 tells where Paul refused to be submissive to the church or the ministries who got repeated witness by the Holy Spirit not to go to Jerusalem, (vss.4-14), yet he had been clearly told by the Holy Spirit to go! (20:22). The fantastic lesson here is that of verse 14, "And when he would not be persuaded, we ceased, saying, 'the will of the Lord be done' "! No psychic intimidation, no "Christian" witchcraft here! They just lovingly commended him to the grace of God. And unless the Bible has clearly indicated that the person is DEFINITELY SINNING, we must also lovingly commend each other to the grace of God, accepting Jesus as their Lord also, and withholding criticism. Here also is an excellent example of the need for the wisdom to apply the knowledge, for it is not enough to know the facts, as both the prophet AND Paul did, but God's wisdom, in properly handling that knowledge, is also necessary.

15. Peter and the other apostles blatantly refused to be submissive to the high priest, the captain of the temple, the chief priests, the council, the established religious leadership of that day!!! (Acts 5).

16. Jesus ignored a poor woman and then called her a dog even after the disciples all VOTED to reject her. They had a quorum, a majority. It was unanimous. How would you have reacted? What would you have done? She still persisted, still maintained her faith, still kept a right spirit!!! Yet in her rightness of heart, she argued with the Lord Jesus Christ, the Creator King of All the Universe, and got the happy answer to her prayer plus the congratulations of the Lord!!! (Matthew 15 & Mark 7).

17. Paul publicly withstood the Apostle Peter to his face because of Peter's sin. (Galatians 2).



Please be patient with us here, because we will show very clearly what the Lord Jesus teaches in this regard.

When, then, are we to be submissive to those who are "over us in the Lord" or to those who have spiritual authority??? Please hear me to the end of the paragraph...The answer is NEVER - YET we are to ALWAYS be submissive to the Lord Jesus Christ through whomever He speaks and wherever He is found!!! Let me illustrate. Please look at the record of Matthew sweet 16. Jesus asks His disciples who they think that He is. They toss around their human guesstimation. Finally Peter comes up with the right answer and Christ tells him that he really "done" good, and sends him to the head of the class with the keys to the door. But just a few verses later Jesus does something really really interesting! (Doesn't He always?!) "But He turned, and said unto Peter, "Get thee behind Me, satan: thou art an offense unto Me: for thou savorest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men." Sometimes we must be lovingly "stem" with each other as Jesus was here with His friend Peter.

Notice here that Jesus does not accuse Peter of being "devil possessed" but says "get behind me Satan, because Peter, you are thinking like a human." The carnal mind is "emnity against God", and "The natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned." I Cor.2: 14. And when the mightiest apostle gives us his best "human" advice today, we are under no obligation to be submissive, if he is speaking contrary to the will and Word of God!. In fact, we are obligated to be submissive to the Lord every time His desire for us differs from our own or anyone else!!! Anyone.


Visualize with me four different horse-like creatures, each symbolic of one who is to be subordinate. The first is a magnificent winged beauty wild and free, standing on the edge of the mountain. Fire comes out from under its feet when she prances, and from her mouth when she speaks. With head and tail held high, its muscles ripple and her mane flies in the wind.

The second creature is the same as the first, except that she has been captured and caged and her spirit has been broken. She sprawls sadly and stupidly in the middle of the corral, her crown taken and her wings broken. Its back is sagging and head, mane and tail hang down; her eyes are blinded and the fire is out.

The third creature is like the first and second, captured and caged, but she refuses to be submissive or subordinate, cooperative or willing. This creature is rebellious and stubborn, brawling and contentious, using her fire and feet destructively. She is good for nothing but to be turned loose or shot, the symbol of rebellion.

The fourth creature is identical to the first in every way, except that she is proudly pulling the chariot of God the King. She was in the corral for a moment. But she eagerly wanted to co-operate and be a part of things, no longer lonely or alone. She exchanged one kind of freedom for another and has no regrets. She still has her wings, her sight, her zeal, her fight and her effervescence. She is moving the direction the rider wants her to go before he is firmly settled in the saddle. All who see her wonder at the One with whom she is associated.

The first creature is a picture of UNTESTED SUBMISSION. There are those who have had the good sense to come out, but don't have enough sense to come in and be "set in to the Body of Christ as it pleases Him"! They have not known the test of the desert, the crucible or the cross (or the resurrection!), so they have not yet passed the test. They have not known the fire that purifies the gold, so they have not yet come forth as gold.

The second is a picture of PLOW-HORSE, KILLED SPIRITED SUBMISSION, PASSIVE & BLIND. Her creativity, initiative and motivation are gone. She has been psychically emasculated and disemboweled, yet she lives. The Bible says, "Let no man take thy crown." Someone else said, "If you do, they will!" Bible says, "Stand fast in the liberty wherewith Christ has set you free, and be not entangled again in the yoke of bondage." Revelation 18 speaks unkindly about those who possess or make merchandise of the "souls of men."

The third creature is a type of REBELLION. She is stubborn and un-cooperative. It is the 'old maid' of the pop-corn pot, (we are not speaking of un-married ladies), the "grain of wheat" that "refuses to fall into the ground and die". God says, "For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the Word of the Lord, He hath also rejected thee..." I Samuel 16:23



Look at this illustration if you will. Suppose there is husband and wife who are each seeking the Lord in their respective prayer closets. While they are praying, let's say that the Lord simultaneously speaks to both of them an opposite thing, telling the husband, "Thou shalt move with thy family to Podunk." But to the wife the Lord says, "Thou shalt move with thy family to Timbuck"! First of all, could such a thing be? Anyway, back to the closet, let's say this is what happens, and that when it happens, they both get excited that God spoke to them and that they can't wait to tell their spouse the news. The closet doors burst open and they come running into each others arms and say to each other, "God spoke to me!" So 'macho man' speaks first. He forgot the lady is supposed to go first. "God spoke to me that we are to move to Podunk, let's pack our bags!"

Suppose she is like rebellious creature #3 above. Now please note that there is no association between a wife and a horse intended, as we are likening these creatures to all subordinates in any subordinate-authority relationship such as student-teacher, employee-employer, child-parent, people-pastor, wife-husband, man-God kinds of relationships. But if the wife is like the rebellious creature, her response to her husband will be, "Heck no, I won't go!" If she is like #2 creature, her response will be, "O.K. Anything you say. Just hit me with a stick, and we'll be on our way." There are many groups that really do believe this dead submission is the same as that taught in the New Testament! Some people actually think, or try to get others to think that this is the kind of submission that they are to have to the elders or pastor, or that the wife's submission to her husband should be this kind of Second Creature: Passive, killed spirit plow horse submission, without question, objection or discussion.

But, this passive kind of blind submission is never ever Ever taught in the word of God, for ANY authority subordinate relationship!!! Suppose that the parent tells the child not to get out of bed after bed-time and the house catches fire? Suppose the major tells the private "attention" but a truck is about to hit the major? Suppose a policeman tells a person to stop running when the runner knows that a bomb will explode in two seconds? Suppose a teacher will not allow a child to leave class, when there really IS an unexplainable personal emergency?

In this Podunk- Timbuck illustration, suppose the wife is like the fourth effervescent creation. She will perhaps quietly say, "And now darling, please let me share with you what I believe the Lord has shown me." The "plow-horse" would have been thinking, "I must be submissive to my husband, it's his job to get the revelation, and mine to follow, his to command, mine to blindly obey. Therefore, I must not say anything, but just meekly do." The lying line of teaching here is that "if the husband is wrong, God will make everything o.k. and will vindicate the wife without her saying anything." But this is wrong thinking, wrong doing and wrong teaching. In other words, passive, killed-spirited, blind, plow-horse submission is WRONG!

One fellow, a friend of mine, was actually heard to remark, "You know, it was actually a revelation to me that my wife had been given to me by God to be more than a cleaner of my dirty house, (floors, bathrooms,) my dirty dishes, my dirty clothes, my dirty kids," (some men could add, "and my dirty dog")!!! "It was new to me the thought that God had also given her to me to be a help to me in wise counsel and the things of the Holy Spirit!!!

" So, to the extent that the wife is aggressively submissive, she will see that it is her obligation and privilege to share what God is revealing to her about the matter. But suppose the husband is a macho arrogant-demanding -domineering - belligerent - bully, (qualities that all too well also describe too many people in positions of authority). Suppose he responds by saying, "Look, woman, I'm the boss. You 'pos' do what I say! Now get to packing!" (Would you blame her if she did?)

 But instead, she is aggressively submissive and insists on the right to share, and thus she shares,"Sweetheart, I will go pack, and with a right spirit, but first let me say that if you persist in your stubbornness, that God Himself will spank or judge you and since I don't really want to see this happen, I plead with you to listen to what well may be the voice of the Lord speaking through me!

Assume for a moment that he listens and is even willing to go back into the prayer closet before the Lord. When he does, God speaks to him one of the following things: 1. God may say, "Husband, you are right. In fact, you are both right! I gave to the more practical of you the name of the place to which you will be moving first, and I gave to the more visionary of you the name of the place where you will eventually go in the fulfillment of My plan for you."

 Or, God may say, (boss-man, really try to use your imagination here,) "You are wrong and your wife is right. You had the number of syllables in the name of the town correct, the reason for the move, the right direction, and proper timing. But, because you once knew a town by that name and not the name of the other, you incorrectly assumed...!" So, we see that anyone of the following combinations may have been possible:

1.Podunk first, move to Timbuck second. (Both are right.)

2.Timbuck first, move to Podunk second. (Both are right.)

3.Podunk only - (Husband is right, wife mistaken.)

4. Timbuck only - (Wife is right, husband mistaken.)

5. Neither, - (Both were mistaken.)

But suppose the husband is steadfastly stubborn, arrogantly demanding, and pompously belligerent, (God forbid!). Says the tyrant, "Hey stupid, you pack our bags 'fore I hit you up long side 'jo haid!" If she then keeps a right spirit, God will do one of the following things:

1. God will change the husband for her sake.

2. God will change the circumstances for her sake.

3. God may, if the husband continues his tyrannical stupidity, kill the husband and replace him with a man who will do the will of God!!! The story of Abigail and Nabal in I Samuel 25 is a classic example of this last point. God doesn't believe in divorce, but He sure has allowed a lot of people to be killed who stand in the way of His Plan, Will and Purpose. Are you willing to pray this prayer? Please do!

“Dear Lord God, Awesome Judge of all the Universe, Please get glory to Yourself as much as is supernaturally possible, through my life. And if You can't get glory from my life, please change me so that You can! And if You can't change me Lord, then please kill me, and raise up someone else that You can get glory from!"

 So also, there are those in positions of authority in the Church, and elsewhere who misuse their authority. To these, God gives a promise: "And I will set up shepherds over them which shall feed them: and they shall fear no more, nor be dismayed, neither shall they be lacking, saith the Lord." Jeremiah 23:4.

The Bible promises that God is taking over, and that His Theocracy shall be established in the earth, and that nothing shall stand against it, and that everything that tries shall be destroyed. Rev. 1 1:15.

Thus, it is the privilege, yea, the responsibility of those who are in subordinate positions, when they disagree with those who are in a God chosen place of authority 'over' them, to voice that disagreement to the authority itself, (NOT to someone else), and say, "Brother, (or sister), I love you. I honor your place in God. But I plead with you as a son to a father. I believe that you are wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong. And I plead with you that you get on your face before God until you are right in this matter." If your leader will not listen to you with a right spirit; and" if he will not at least get on his face before the Lord in the matter, then we are recommending that you ask God to make your leaders teachable. If they refuse to change, ask God to give you to those who ARE AND WILL BE teachable, entreatable, approachable, and talk-withable. Remember though, that they are not obligated to do what you think they should. You may be the one who is mistaken! But they, and ALL OF US, ARE RESPONSffiLE TO LISTEN CAREFULLY WITH GODLY FEAR, LEST WE FAIL TO HEAR THE VOICE OF THE LORD SPEAKING THROUGH THE SUBORDINATE VESSEL. If your leader will not at least listen, unless you are married to him, get another leader.



God has given us some really clear, simple and beautiful directions for getting along within the Body of Christ. But all of these directions may be reduced to one little word....(LOVE)!

But first let us deal with some practical, gut-level times when the command of God is to allow His love to be manifested through "tough-love". God says, "Those who I love, I rebuke and chasten."


There are some very important Scriptures (aren't they all) that tell us to not associate with certain ones in the Body of Christ. Notice: we are not to draw the circle tighter than God on the one hand, nor yet make the circle looser than God on the other. Nothing is said about separation over the the "faith move" or"tongues" or "manifested sons", but the list is very clear, and by the way, very short!!! Please notice:

Romans 16: 17 - "Now I beseech you, brethren, mark THEM WHICH CAUSE DIVISIONS ...and avoid them." Do you know anybody like this?

I Corinthians 5:11 & 13b, "But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man (or woman) that is called a BROTHER, (or sister), be a FORNICATOR, or COVETOUS, or an IDOLATOR, or a RAILER, (one who "bad mouth's" people), or a DRUNKARD, or EXTORTIONER; with such an one no, NOT TO EAT...therefore PUT AWAY FROM AMONG YOURSELVES that wicked person."

II Thessalonians 3, "Now we command you, brethren in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye withdraw yourselves from every brother that walketh disorderly,...working not at all...IF ANY WOULD NOT WORK, neither should he eat...and if any man obey not our word by this Epistle, note that man, and HAVE NO COMPANY WITH him, that he may be ashamed. Yet count him not as an enemy, but admonish him as a brother." (verses 6a, lOb, llb, 14b, & 15).

I Timothy 6:3-5, "These things teach and exhort. If any man teach otherwise, and consent not to wholesome words, even the words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to the doctrine which is according to godliness; he is PROUD; knowing nothing, but doting about questions and strifes of words, whereof cometh


Matthew 18:15-17, "If thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him (NOT SOMEBODY ELSE!), his fault between thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother." "But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established." "And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto the church: but if he neglect to hear the church, let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican."

These are our Redeemer's Rules of Rightly Relating to one another. They may all be summed up in one word - LOVE!!!!!

But it is not to be a theoretical love, (there is no such thing).

The reason that God has established these rules is not because He is either "legalistic" or "religious", but because He really does have our best interest in mind. By "religious" here, we mean "as opposed to being spiritual". For example, it is possible to be religious in the sense of going through the motions, yet not be "for real" spiritually speaking. Yet it is possible to be deeply spiritual and "for real", and yet not appear to be "religious". By "legalistic", we mean, "to be locked into the 'letter' of the law without being locked into the true 'spirit' and intent behind the law. For example, the 'law' said to stone the woman taken in adultery, yet Jesus forgave her and told her not to sin any more. John 8:3-12.


Permit me to take just a moment to explain, at least partially, why God is so against sex with anyone other than your spouse.

The playboy philosophy has it that "sex need mean no more than shaking hands". Both go their separate ways and that's it. The Bible shows the prostitute's attitude to be not much different. It says, "...she wipeth her mouth, and saith, 'I have done no wickedness'." Proverbs 30:20b. But the Scripture indicates that there are literally terrifying implications and hideous happenings when one has sex with someone they are not married to!!! In I Corinthians 6 the Lord says that we "Become one flesh" or "ONE NATURE" with the sexual partner. Here, and in many other places, God makes clear that it is like taking a half glass of water and half a glass of some other fluid: milk, sewage, vomit, pus or what ever and pouring them back and forth until they are totally and inextricably intermingled. The glass containers represent the person's body, and the liquid represents all that the person is: their mind, will, emotions, thinking, character, spirit and soul. When a person has sex with someone, all that they are becomes totally intermingled with all that the other person is. This is one of the main reasons God commands us not to have sex with anyone other than the one to whom we are married, and explains one reason why there is so much suicide and mental problems among the promiscuous. In the Body of Christ, the implications are even more astounding because when we accept Christ within, to be our Saviour, Lord and LIFE, then the members of our body become the members of Christ Jesus. And if we then commit fornication or adultery, it is like forcing Christ into a rape situation. The reason God is so concerned for us in this area is His concern for His Body-His Beloved Bride that she not become contaminated by "Typhoid-Mary" types. Because we are so closely attuned to one another, the Lord wants us not to be contaminated and thus commands us to be pure and to not associate with anyone in the Body of Christ who is an adulterer or fornicator. Instead, they are to be placed "under quarantine" for their own good and ours, until deliverance and repentance occurs.


The same thing is true of drugs and alcohol, (which is also a drug). The greek word used in the Bible for witchcraft and sorcery is "pharmakeia" from which we get our word "pharmacy" or "pharmaceutical", etc. The reason for this is that devil worship and witchcraft has almost always included the use of various kinds of drugs. The reason for this is that drugs act upon the human soul and spirit so as to disintegrate, dissolve and weaken one's natural resistance to a free invasion of the negative realm of spirit, or evil spirits. Some individuals who have the ability to "see in the spirit" can actually see this disintegration take place, and it apparently looks as if one were pouring hot water on a thin sheet of ice, or acid on a thin sheet of metal.

For example, in a burn accident, we are told that usually the biggest problem is not the burn itself, but infection which results from the destruction of the natural protective covering of the skin, which normally acts as a buffer against the free invasion of negative germs and virus. So, also in the ingestion of drugs and alcohol to excess, when this God given immunity to evil spirits is taken away, or is weakened, there takes place then this free invasion of evil spirits, who forge chains and build landing strips that continue after the drug has "worn off'.

There are those who joke about drunks who see pink elephants or drug users and their "hallucinations", but its a bad sad joke because many times, that which drug users see, while under the influence, and subsequently, is real!!! I believe that if we could see in the spirit realm, (and some of us can), most bars would look like the tavern scene from Star Wars. Remember, the realm of spirit both good and bad, is more real than the natural world we see with natural eyes.

Can you see now why God has pleaded with us as He has in the use of these things? Can you see that He really does have our best interest in mind? Can you see how alcohol and other drugs have caused extreme damage, lasting and far reaching? Can you see how drug and alcohol treatment, that fails to deal with the evil spirits and their chains and landing strips and open doors, usually fails? This is why only Jesus Christ as THE "Higher Power" has been found to be usually the only solution to addiction (as well as every other kind of problem!). Can you see now, why the greek word for witchcraft is "pharmakeia"? Can you see now why God tells us not to associate with, eat with, or ... well let's quote it accurately: I Corinthians 5: 11 & 13b, "But now I have written unto you not to keep company, if any man (or woman) that is called a BROTHER, (or sister), be a FORNICATOR, or COVETOUS, or an IDOLATOR, or a RAILER, (one who "bad mouth's" people), or a DRUNKARD, or EXTORTIONER; with such an one no, NOT TO EAT...therefore PUT AWAY FROM AMONG YOURSELVES that wicked person." Again, it's the idea of putting someone under "quarantine" for the best interest of everyone concerned, until repentance and deliverance takes place.


I love my dear friends in the Body of Christ so very very deeply! I am so wonderfully grateful for them! I so want to flow with them in the unity of the Holy Spirit that I want nothing to come between us EVEN TO THE THICKNESS OF A COBWEB!!! God says, "Guard earnestly the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace." Eph.4 and Ps.133:1 "How good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!" and "If we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus cleanses us from ALL, (not most, but ALL) sin!" I Jn. 1:7.


One of my favorite passages of Scripture is the second chapter of Joel, at least the first part. (The last half is kind of tuff.) Included there is a beautiful description of the end time army of the Lord of which we can be a part, if we qualify. (See my book, How TO Rule The World or Seek 1st The Kingdom Of God) Anyway, this Army is described as follows, (which means you can't be a part of it unless you "fit the description"). It says, "They don't break rank, nor do they THRUST ONE ANOTHER THROUGH.!" Here, let's quote it from the King James: "...They shall march every one on His ways, and they shall not break their ranks: Neither shall one thrust another, they shall walk every one in His path: and when they fall upon the sword, they shall not be wounded."


Reminds me of the time I played the big bass drum in the marching band. Nearly everyone in the band determines how fast to march based on the beat of the big base drum, as they couldn't always see the guy in the front with the ball on his stick and who wore the funny looking hat. Anyhow during practice one day, the band director stops the whole band in the middle of the street and comes running back, his face livid with rage. He yelled at me, "John Bohlen, I'll have you know, you're the ONLY ONE IN THIS WHOLE BAND WHO'S OUT OF STEP!" To which I calmly replied, but firmly and so's everyone could hear, "Sir, I'll have you know, I'm the only one in this whole blessed band who is IN step." Everyone laughed, including the director, and we marched on down the street, in step.


I also played the timpani in the symphony. We also had a flute section with several flute players, sometimes pronounced by high brows as "flautists".

Some people in the Lord think that the Body of Christ ought to be run like this: where the third flutist, or flautist, as the case may be, toots his flute based on when and what he, or she sees or hears the second flautist flauting and or tauting, who in turn toots and flauts based on what he, or she hears and/or sees the first flautist flauting and/or tauting or tooting, as the case may be. No. They play in "concert" or in "symphony" or -in "harmony" when they are all following the written music while watching the director. We too must never arrive at unity based on compromising the will of God as we see it - but on conformity to the will of God based on the written or living Word of God while watching our heavenly Orchestra Director, the Holy Spirit".


Bible says, "So if, when you are offering your gift at the altar and then remember that your brother has any [grievance] against you, leave your gift at the altar and go," (NOT TO SOMEONE ELSE, but) "first make peace with your brother, and THEN come back and present your gift." Matthew 5:23 & 24. Why do you think that our Lord gave us these instructions? I believe that our 'gift' includes the giving of not only our money but also of our prayers, our praise, even our very life! But will we practice this commandment? or pay heed to these following verses?

"That your prayers be not hindered" I Peter 3, the whole chapter. Here, The Lord says that a poor relationship between a husband and wife will result in their prayers being hindered!

"Don't let the sun go down on your wrath..." Eph.4:26. What a lovely policy for a couple to follow, and for all of us in the Body of Christ!

"Guard earnestly the unity of the faith in the bond of peace..." Eph.4:3 It is something that sometimes has to be worked at!

"Be ye clean that bear the vessels of the Lord..." Isaiah 52:11.


A number years ago we pioneered and pastored a church in Phoenix, Arizona. All the while I pastored, I determined that I would refuse to preach or prophesy, sing or pray, counsel or minister if I was aware of a wrong relationship either with the Lord or with my wife. As a lovely testimony to God's ability to enable us to keep a right spirit, a right heart, I can't remember withholding even one time of ministry because of this.

But I do remember one time I came pretty close! It happened one Sunday morning while preparing for church. I became aware that something was wrong in

my relationship with my wife. I tried everything I knew: pleading, repenting, scolding, questioning - all to no avail. There was a wall between us that I just couldn't seem to break through. So, with about 15 minutes to spare before church was to start, I jumped in the car, drove to the nearest shopping center and quickly purchased for Karen some sweet smellum's skunk water type perfume, some sweet tastums kind of candy, and a pretty sweet -something card, and had these gift wrapped. Then I hurried back to church as the service was beginning and only had time to walk past my wife where she was sitting, and gently lay these gifts in her lap on my way up to the front. When I next turned to look at her, the tears of repentance and forgiveness and restoration and love were streaming down her cheeks. So we got to minister that day as well. Glory be to God! And this is a policy that we still follow, and recommend to others, because God Himself commands it!



Here, we have attempted to describe instances of Kingdom Protocol in matters of unity, criticism, submission, authority-subordinate relationships, etc. We trust that the way has been made more clear in these sometimes complicated matters.

Dear Heavenly Father, Please grant that we will always properly relate to each other at all times, and in everything, and that we will always properly relate to You - in them!!! For Thy Greatest Glory - In Jesus' Name. Amen.



1. If God asks us to do plan A and the ministries tell us to do plan B, what should we do?

2. Does anyone have a right to "cross" our conscience?

3. Are we absolved from moral responsibility if we are acting in blind submission to another?

4. Do we have a right to voice our leadings if they are contrary to the opinion of those in authority?

5. True or False: "Those in authority are superior to those who the subordinate."

6. What, in your opinion, is the "best" form of government?

7. Complete this thought: "If a person has a sell out price, .

8. What is the "worst" form of prostitution?

9. What phrase or thought immediately follows the Scripture which says, "Rebuke not an elder"?

10. Is there such a thing a "righteous" rebellion?

11. Give at least 7 Bible examples of "righteous" rebellion?

12. Has God ever repented?

13. Did Moses ever make it into the Promised Land?

14. Please complete this thought: "We must always be submissive to the Christ, wherever

15. "But we must never be submissive to

16. When are we to be submissive to those "over" us I in the Lord?

17. When Peter, having Christ's best interest in mind, gave Him a human opinion, how did Christ respond?

18. Why do you think Jesus responded as He did?

19. Briefly describe each of the Four "Horses", and what they symbolize.

20. Complete this Bible phrase: "Rebellion is as the sin of ."

21. As in the illustration of Timbuck, can God give the same couple opposite moving directions?

22. Can you pray this prayer: "Lord, if You aren't getting glory from my life, please change me, and if You see that You cannot change me, then please kill me, rather than allow me to bring shame to Your Name!" ?

23. Will you pray that prayer?

24. Suppose you have a problem, a criticism or a disagreement with another in the Body of Christ. Does God or the Bible EVER allow you to go to a third party, before you FIRST go to the person with whom one has a problem?

25. Can you think of any situation or time when repentance would not be appropriate if you get criticized or rebuked?

26. Name between 4 and 7 situations when we are not to associate or eat with others in the Body of Christ.

27. Is God either "religious" or "legalistic", according to the book's definition?

28. Why are we not to associate or eat with so-called brothers or sisters in Christ who are practicing fornication, drunkenness or gossip?

29. Explain what is meant by "inextricable intermingling. "

30. Who is the foundation of the Church?

31. Are we supposed to "take the speck" out of our brother's eye?

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