Before you read further, I want to explain that the following few sentences do not make very pleasant reading, but I believe it is necessary to keep you from an even greater guilt, so please bear with me. We have a dear friend, whom we shall call "Little Orphan Audrey", who was-raped and mutilated by her father, and was also brutally tortured by a mother in some of the following ways: 1. Often tied in a barn all night. 2. Tied to a bed and repeatedly branded with a red hot iron. 3. Sold to be photographed while being gang raped. 4. Tied to a chair and left for hours in a closet with rats, mice and snakes. 5. Beaten over the head and body with stove wood, clubs , hammers and boards with nails. 6. Her feet were broken with hammers and her nails pulled with pliers.

In the midst of these horrible things, she invited Jesus Christ into her life to be her Saviour, Lord, and Life, and has since become a radiant happy Christian woman. She has a fabulous ministry to the retarded, the shut in's, the illiterate, the delinquent, the poor, the abused, the aged, the children, the lonely, and the Body of Christ at large. But she has an interesting confession. She states that all of the pain she experienced (at the hands of her parents, and of unsaved people in general) is NOTHING by comparison to the hideous torture and heart pain and rejection and misunderstanding and gossip and criticism she has experienced at the hands of her brothers and sisters in Christ!

For example, at the time this girl's mother sold her to be gang raped, others stood by taking pictures which are still being circulated twenty years later. These pictures are sent anonymously to churches and friends that know her. One church was especially dear to her, where she had found friends and where she was ministering. Many children were being born again and inviting Christ into their lives as a result of Audrey's ministry. Then, one day she was called before the board of elders where the pastor showed one of these revealing pictures that had been sent to him. She was accused, judged and condemned without opportunity to explain, and she was removed from her place of ministering to the children. This kind of thing has happened repeatedly.

Here's another example before we go on. A "prophet" friend of mine was coming to Minneapolis to minister. He has been used by the Lord to raise the dead and many other wonderful miracles. But during one of his first meetings, he happened to refer to Elisha's comment in II Kings 5:26, "Did not my spirit go with thee when...", or to St. Paul's comments like, "While being absent from you in body, yet present in spirit..." I Cor. 5:3. Someone misunderstood and began spreading the story that the brother was preaching a cultic doctrine of "astral projection", or "soul travel" and that he was a false prophet and was of the devil. Other "Christian" cannibals began spreading this and other stories about this man, and many people and doors that would have otherwise been open to his valuable ministry were closed. The responsibility of all those who WOULD HAVE BEEN born again or healed or other wise met by the Lord, or whose marriages would have been saved as a result of the Lord's ministry through this brother will be upon the heads of these cannibals on the day of judgement unless there is repentance and, perhaps, forgiveness.

But these examples are only two out of many billions of bloody gossipings and back bitings done by sweet cannibalistic "Christians" in the name of our gentle and Loving Saviour who hates those "that sow discord among the brethren".

Look at this Scripture, Proverbs 6: 16 to 19 and let it strike godly fear to your hearts, those of you who are vicious and bloody cannibals:

"There are six things which the Lord hates; yea seven which are an abomination unto Him: Haughty eyes, (pride), a lying tongue, (misrepresents the facts, stretches the truth) and hands that shed innocent blood, (yeah) a heart that devises wicked imaginations, (uh huh), feet that are swift in running to mischief, (some let their fingers do the running), a false witness who speaks lies, and HE WHO SOWS DISCORD AMONG BROTHERS." (parenthetical comments mine).

Did you know, were you aware that God ACTUALLY HATES some people?


Would you please read that again? Only this time, apply it spiritually and psychologically, (if the shoe fits).

Where does "Christian" witchcraft come in? Do you remember the Scripture, "What ever you bind will be bound, and what ever you loose will be loosed?" Please remember that there is power In the tongue!!! The Apostle Paul wouldn't have given us that advice to not bite or devour or consume each other if it would not have been possible for us to do so!!! Galatians 5: 15. Also in this chapter God says that if we are guilty of enmity, (hostility), strife, jealousy, anger, stubbornness, sedition, (incitement to discontent or rebellion) or envyings - that we will not inherit the Kingdom of God!!!

And in Ephesians 6 where it talks about being clothed with all the armor of God, please notice that not one provision is made for protection for our back or from back biting or back stabbing. We have no protective armor for our back! Are we truly at each other's mercy?


Someone has said that one does not need to put a lid on a bucket of crabs, for as soon as one makes some progress up the side, the other crabs reach up and pull it down. Do you know any "Christian crabs" like this - in your church, your home, or your shoes?!.

Why does the Bible say that we are guilty of murder if we hate our brother or sister? Because, in a witchcraft sense, there is a murderously destructive force unleashed against our fellow Christians when there is hatred in our hearts!

Why does the Lord tell us that we are to not give our gift to the Lord until we have first made everything right with our brother that has something against us? The answer is that there are laws in the spirit realm just like there are laws in the natural realm that can be followed or broken by saint and sinner alike. The law of gravity, for example, can be used or abused by the good guys or the bad guys; but so can every other spiritual law. In fact, the demons and witches are simply, in many ways hitchhiking on principles that God has established. If a witch or a "Christian" either one, hates someone, he or she simply focuses that hate on one so hated, often with destructive result. The destruction is increased in proportion to the intensity, the voicing of it and the action connected with it. The problem increases when "Christian" prayers and Scriptures are used, as is often the case. In fact, many devil worshippers and witches do the same! The reason that the problem is much much more serious among Christians, is that we are "members of each other"! We are one with each other! It is because of our unity that spiritual rabies is so terrifying, so damaging - like aids, like herpes simplex 2!

We would like to encourage you to read the New Testament again, but this time to look for the principles in the Spirit realm that affect our attitudes and relationships with each other.

We know personally of a number of families that have been broken apart because of the misguided prayers and prophesies of friends, giving crude crass cruddy counsel contrary crosswise considering Christ's commands! These families are still split as of this writing.

I actually know of "Christians" who have been praying for years for someone to die because they did not like the way that someone acted. Do you think this is bad? Remember that praying destructively for any person, group or situation outside of the will of God is a form of "Christian" witchcraft! We are defining witchcraft as "the use of any supernatural or psychic power for a purpose that is not of God." Some so called- "Christians" do this carelessly, and often. Do you?


One of the most common forms of "Christian" witchcraft used, besides criticism, is the use of what we call "psychic intimidation". By "psychic" we simply mean "that which is of the soul, (including our emotions, feelings, suspicions, human "witnesses", hunches, thoughts and prejudices); as opposed to that which is of the Spirit of God". And by "intimidation", we mean "the attempt to influence or motivate others through any wrong form of threat or fear, including the wrong withholding of friendship or fellowship, acceptance or approval". All forms of human intimidation are wrong! Love and intimidation cannot co-exist. It is amazing how many husbands woo and win their wives through sweetness, woo-ing and romance, but WITHOUT any intimidation, yet as soon as they are married, think they have a license to bully and intimidate, then wonder where her love and respect have gone. (See our book on marriage, "The Sexual Ministry.")

 As an example of psychic intimidation, let's say someone says or does something of which we disapprove or about which we disagree, but that it does not come under the category of sin or is not contrary to the Bible. Many times, we will be guilty of psychic intimidation through our withheld fellowship or friendship or through some form of disfavor. This is not fair, just or right Every man and woman must have the right, (and DOES have the responsibility), to determine the will of God for themselves. Unless it is expressly forbidden in the Bible, or unless it is physically, mentally, morally or spiritually harmful, we are to allow each other to have the freedom to find and to fulfill the will of God for themselves. In one sense, it is not enough for us to only accept Jesus as our Lord. It is also necessary that we accept Jesus as the Lord of our brother and sister. God says, "Who art thou that judgest another man's servant?" (here, it means "He's God's servant, so who do you think you are to mess with him?"), "To his own Master (here it means the Lord" Jesus) he standeth or falleth. Yea, he shall beheld up: for God is able to make him stand." Romans 14:4. And here's a funny one, (unless you're guilty), from Proverbs 26, "He that meddleth in a matter not his own is as one who takes a mad dog by the ears"! (JB).


We used to raise chickens on the farm. I can still visualize (oops, did I use a naughty word?) something they would do, when one chicken would be wounded, or develop a sore, the rest of the chickens would peck it to death. Typical of chickens, but in the Family of God????? Someone has said that we Christians are the only army in the world that buries its wounded!

Are you familiar with the term "character assassination"? Someone has said that more people have been killed by the power of the tongue than by all of earth's wars put together!!! Let me ask you, how many people have you given the "Judas Kiss" to in the last week? Some parents criticize the pastor or the church in front of the children, and then wonder why the kids have no respect for God or His people now, or later.

In James 3, God says, "Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not so to be." "Doth a fountain send forth at the same place sweet water and bitter?" "But if ye have bitter envying and strife in your hearts, glory not, and lie not against the truth." "This wisdom descendeth not from above, but is earthly, sensual, devil-ISH." "For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work." "But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy." "And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace of them that make peace." James 3:10,11,14-18.

Now, this next chapter is the most important chapter in this book! Please please please reach into God to learn "The Secret" where you live!!!!!!! Please leave no stone unturned until you know deep down in your guts ---- THE KING'S GREATEST SECRET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


1. Do you think you understand Audrey's statement about experiencing far more pain at the hands of "Christians" than at the hands of the unsaved?

(She, of course is born again, that is, has asked Christ into her heart and life and has turned her whole life over to Him as Lord. Will you pause for a very important moment, and do the same?!)

2. How do you think your relatives, friends, church or work associates would react if pictures of you being sodomized or raped were sent to them?

3. Do you think YOU would have condemned Audrey, not having known the story?

4. Would you like to read her story? (We're thinking of writing a book.)

5. Of the list of 6 or 7 things that God hates, how many of them come under the general topic of "Christian" cannibalism?

6. Of the things listed here from Galatians 5:19-21, (that will get people kicked, or kept out of, the Kingdom of God), how many of them fall under the general category of "Christian" cannibalism?

7. DO you feel "vulnerable", or at least slightly dismayed that you are open to being hurt by your brothers or sisters?

8. Why is hatred equal to murder in the eyes of God? (I In.3:15)

9. Define "Christian" witchcraft.

10. What is meant by psychic intimidation?

11. Try to give an example of psychic intimidation from your own experience.

12. Why is it not enough (in a sense) for us only to receive Jesus as OUR Lord?

13. What is meant by "character assassination"?

14. What is meant by the "Judas Kiss"?

15. (Opinion question). Do you think it is possible to be perfect?

16. Please list, if you can, 4 to 7 of the most important things Christ took of ours with Him to the cross.

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